Jörg Kohnen-May

Studied German and English philology. Post-graduate studies in „Curating" at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (zhdk). Ran "von cirne", a gallery for contemporary art in Cologne. Working as a communications advisor, focused on strategic communications at the interface of economics, politics and society.

Which side are you on?

What is your interest in high & low?
The old classes of the industrial society vanish, new social dividing lines emerge: between those who benefit from globalization and digitization and those who feel overstrained and left behind. Right-wing, backward-looking agitators exarcerbate the contrasts between the milieus, an ignorant economic elite in a different way as well . How can we stabilize democracy in these times? Is it just „when they go low, we go high“? Do we need alternative ways? What role do art and culture play in this?

Under the patronage of

Deutsche UNESCO Kommission

Supported by


Organized by

Media and event partners
